I followed GThinks, a Youtuber living in Indonesia, to learn bahasa Indonesia. He sometimes uploads music covers, one of which is Dekat di hati. The original singer is a famous Indonesian boy group RAN.

The song went viral once it was released in 2014. The message is sweet, simple and clear: LDR, or a lover misses girlfriend far far away. Newspaper reported that such simplicity was enough to hit many like-minded people.

Furthermore, the song gradually spread to Japan and got so popular that a Japanese version was out in 2018, with almost the same meaning!

This becomes my first Indonesian song also. I tried to memorize the words also, almost done.

The following is my English translation. I don’t know if mine is correct. Let me know if my idea deviates from the original.

Dering telfonku membuatku tersenyum di pagi hari
Kau bercerita semalam kita bertemu dalam mimpi
Entah mengapa aku merasakan hadirmu di sini
Tawa candamu menghibur saatku sendiri
The telephone ring made me smile this morning
You said we met in the dream last night
Somehow I feel your presence here
Your laugh and jokes comfort when I'm alone
Aku di sini dan kau di sana
Hanya berjumpa via suara
Namun ku s'lalu menunggu saat kita akan berjumpa

Meski kau kini jauh di sana
Kita memandang langit yang sama
Jauh di mata namun detak di harti
I'm here and you're there
Only meet by voice
But I always wait for the time we meet again

Though you're far away now
We see the same sky
Far in sight but close at heart

Jarak dan waktu tak kan berhati
K'rena kau akan selalau di hati
Bagai detak jantung yang kubawa kemanapun kupergi
Distance and time are meaningless
Because you'll always be in the heart
Like the heartbeat that I carry wherever I go

That’s my try. Enjoy the song and look forward to your feedback!

BTW, is there any potential to have a Chinese version?

(Thematic picture taken from web)